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Community, Tupalo

We hebben onze spot pagina’s aangepast – en staan zoals altijd open voor feedback

We hebben onze spot pagina’s radicaal anders ingericht, zodat je sneller vindt waar je naar op zoek bent en foto’s een meer prominente positie krijgen. Wist je dat we dagelijks 170 nieuwe uploads zien? Wel, daarom!

Om de nadruk te leggen op (jullie!) reviews hebben we de hoeveelheid witruimte aan banden gelegd. Bovendien hebben we de aanbevelingen voor jouw stad naar boven getrokken (in de rechter kolom), meer in het zicht.

Genoeg geklets. Beoordeel zelf of het een verbetering is en laat ons weten wat je ervan vindt! :)

Tupalo homepage
Community, Tupalo

Get started with Tupalo

Hi! New here? Allow me to introduce Tupalo to you – it won’t take long! is a social review site where you can discover, rate and share local businesses. You can recommend restaurants, clubs and shops via our website or via our app (iPhone & Android), which additionally allows you to find spots nearby and to check in. (And, should you wish, your check-ins get pushed to Foursquare.)

Tupalo homepage

Our developers are on a continuous quest to make our site more user friendly and to optimize our pages to best fulfill your wishes. But we can’t do everything ourselves, which is why we’re creating a ‘Secret Order of Tupalo‘. Check your profile and, if you spot a mysterious dark badge in there somewhere, you might just be a part of it. This order of trusted users can try out our newest features first and are the ones on top of our invite list whenever we organize a party.

We’re also making Tupalo more visually interesting (with more space for images on our renewed spot pages) to serve the mass of new media uploads we see every day. On our so-called discovery pages you can browse categories (like ‘lunchrooms’ or ‘coffee roasters’) and see which places are trending right now:

We’re particularly active in certain cities, with city guides ‘on the ground’. We share our personal favorites, recommendations from our users, and upcoming events. We organize community events (like a tour and lunch on a cruise ship for our Very Important Users in Rotterdam last summer) and cash mobs, and we arrange give-aways (such as tickets for concerts). Make sure to keep an eye on the activity in your community and connect with your local community manager – Kay in Vienna (Twitter and Facebook), Kasia in Warsaw (Twitter and Facebook), Paul in Amsterdam (Twitter and Facebook), and Moniek in Rotterdam (Twitter and Facebook). Check out the Advent calendars they created this December month, for you to enjoy!

Get in touch and get started! :)

Community, Vienna

My 5 favorite Christmas Markets in Vienna

Christmas makes people suddenly crave warm alcoholic beverages, tolerate queues and glittery pretty-pretties. This virus hits me too. I’d normally stay far away from Vienna’s busiest shopping streets during the weekends and I enjoy my wine chilled. But the crowded Christmas markets of Austria’s capital city are now my favorite hang-out. Here’s to hoping they’ll sell glittery deathstars for this year’s Christmas tree!

Winter im MQ

photo via Facebook

Winter im MQ is my all time favorite. I’m not sure what exactly does the trick here. Is it the variety of punsch stands (go for Halle, they put marshmallows in your glühwein)? The music? The artsy projections? The being surrounded by peers? All I know is that I spent a good amount of time here. And that I started collecting this years mugs again… sst! ;)

Weihnachtsmarkt am Spittelberg (1070)
Many a night I’ll start at the market in Spittelberggasse, making my way up to Siebensterngasse towards MQ for a drink. This year there is a stand selling Mexican wrestling masks. Now that would make for an interesting Christmas present, wouldn’t it?

Wiener Christkindlmarkt – Wiener Adventzauber (Rathausplatz, 1010)
It’s like stepping into a postcard. The Rathaus looks just perfect and I love it that all trees are crammed with christmassy lights in all shapes and colors. There is all sorts of attractions for kids and stands that I enjoy browsing; knitted accessories, candy and hysterical baubles.

Weihnachtsmarkt am Karlsplatz (1010)
A big enough market with the impressive Karlskirche in the background. The mix of stands is fair enough and as a result you’ll see shoppers from all ages. Also, last year they had animals walking around. I like animals.

Weihnachtsdorf – Altes AKH Universitätscampus (1090)

The Christmas market at the ‘Altes AKH’ is like a little village. Apart from the ‘Ramschläden’, you’ll find great (Indian! Mango!) punsch here. Escape the big city for once, forget about the classic Christkindl market at Rathausplatz and indulge yourself in oldskool frumpiness!

Community, Tupalo, Vienna

Merry cashmob everyone!

With the holidays just around the corner we need presents, loads of them. For friends, family. Already stressing out over what to get for whom? WORRY NOT! We will help you out! During the last Instawalk we already stopped by west of vienna in Westbahnstraße, that opened doors to all gadgetfreaks and Japanese fun cams fetishists in May 2012.

Christian Zagler and Bernd Gruber wish us a warm welcome during the upcoming cashmob in their store.

“Things that you don’t necessarily need, but desperately want”, the Toycams make for a great present under every Christmas tree. Make sure that you get your gifts in time this year and join us for the cashmob!

Need to know: the cashmob will take place on the 4th of December, a tuesday, and start at 18:30. You’ll have about an hour to shop-till-you-drop at west of vienna (Westbahnstrasse 25/2, 1070 Vienna). Nice to know: there will be Punsch, cookies, and loads of toy and fun cams and gadgets to try out!

The ‘rules’:
– Bring a friend!
– Discover new local shops…
– Spend at least 10 €
– Meet new people
– Have a great time! :)

Follow all the updates regarding the cashmob via Facebook and/or Twitter! See you Tuesday the 4th!

Spoiler alert!
Bring your smartphone with you, you’ll be greatly rewarded with a special badge upon checking in via the Tupalo app (android / iPhone)!

* CashWHAT? The idea behind cash mobbing is to motivate people to look beyond the big shopping malls and brands and support local business owners by spending a few euro’s there. After all, we are in a crisis… So let’s shop for a good cause!


I think your review is funny!

The possibility to respond to the reviews of fellow Tupalo members is baked deep into the Tupalo mindset. But what if there’s not really something you’d like to add? What if you actually just want to give a virtual ‘thumbs up’? That’s where our “helpful/funny/cool” checkmarks (aka HFC in the office) come in handy.

Right beneath every review you’ll find 3 buttons:

When you click on ‘funny’ for instance, the reviewer gets an email from us letting him or her know that you noticed the wit and care he or she put in to the write-up. How’s that for a reward, huh? Clicked on the wrong checkmark because your eyes were still moist from laughing? Just hit the same button again and the green check disappears. And, yes, you can mark a review as helpful AND funny AND cool!

Naturally you won’t see the buttons beneath your own reviews, but we do list any feedback you get on your user profile. Go and check it out if you’ve lost track already ;) :

You can spot review talent on our city pages (check out New York!) or on the leaderboard of your city.

Don’t let your fellow reviewers hanging – tell them what you think of their reviews! :)


Ik vind je recensie grappig!

Sinds jaar en dag kun je op de recensies van andere Tupalo gebruikers reageren. Maar wat als je eigenlijk alleen maar een virtuele ‘thumbs up’ wilt geven, of niet na wilt denken over wat voor stuk proza je nu weer als reactie gaat opgeven? Dan komen de “nuttig / grappig / cool” vinkjes – Tupalo-intimi noemen deze feature HFC (helpfulfunnycool) – handig van pas!

Direct onder elke review bevinden zich 3 buttons:

Wanneer je een recensie van een andere gebruiker bijvoorbeeld als grappig markeert, krijgt hij of zij een email van ons omdat wij denken dat iedereen het fijn vind om een beetje positieve feedback te krijgen nadat je je best hebt gedaan op een ronkende review over de nieuwste uitgaansgelegenheid of een zorgvuldig geformuleerde ode aan de klassieke gerechten van restaurant x.

Vind je de recensie toch niet zo grappig, of heb je hikkend van de lach per ongelijk op ‘nuttig’ geklikt? Door nogmaals op hetzelfde te klikken, verdwijnt het groene vinkje weer. En natuurlijk kun je een review ook nuttig EN grappig EN cool vinden!

Onder de recensies die je zelf hebt geschreven zie je uiteraard geen vinkjes, maar de hoeveelheid nuttig-grappig-cool’s die je krijgt houden we wel netjes voor je bij, op je eigen profiel. Handig, want dan weet je hoe je er voor staat!

Op onze ‘city pages’ (zoals voor Rotterdam en Amsterdam) kun je recenseerpotentieel spotten, net als in de ranglijst van jouw stad! Wat let je, rock on en geef feedback! ;)

Team, Tupalo

Tupalo coaches at Rails Girls Zurich!

Today and tomorrow Consti, Michi and Johannes swap the Tupalo office for HUB Zürich (Viaduktstrasse 93-95) to teach some Rails Girls how to code!

Rails Girls Zurich

Consti is a veteran when it comes to coaching at Rails Girls’ workshops (read his latest recap) and it’s no surprise that he’s working on a Vienna edition too. Helping him out there (amongst others) is Nina, our project manager, who’s attending Rails Girls Zürich as a participant to fully get a hang of the process.

Follow the event on Twitter, @RailsGirls_ZRH. Code on ladies!

Amsterdam, Community, Rotterdam, Tupalo

We hebben een nieuwe home page. En mooi dat ‘ie is!

De afgelopen weken hebben we het design van flink op de schop gegooid, arm in arm met ons herziene algoritme, wat het ontdekken van trending en nieuwe spots een stuk makkelijker maakt! Als slagroom op de taart intoduceren we een nieuwe home page, met de complimenten van Michi:

new home page

We lichten een paar van onze persoonlijke favorieten uit op de nieuwe home page, indien ze een aantrekkelijke foto beschikbaar hebben. Mis je jouw favoriete (en foto-genieke) spot nog? Stuur ons een link en een foto en fat chance dat we ‘m toevoegen aan de carousel!

De nieuwe home page nodigt je uit om te ontdekken wat er bij jou in de buurt het bezoeken waard is. Probeer het eens uit – klik op ‘let’s go!‘ – en laat ons weten wat je er van vindt!

Industry, Startups

I’m going to the Pioneers Festival!

2500 start-ups and topic interested people will gather at the Hofburg Imperial Palace from the 29th to the 31st of October for the Pioneers Festival, ‘an unforgettable accelerator event which will boost every single start-up to the next level – in just three days‘. 60 international speakers will split up on two tracks and Europe’s top 50 start-ups will battle in the Startup Challenge. With this conference STARTeurope celebrates entrepreneurship and innovative technology with us, the common people ;)

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Community, Development, Tupalo

Check-in FTW – Tupalo to support Foursquare checkins, and vice versa!

As of today supports your Foursquare checkins, and Foursquare will push your checkins to Tupalo. From now on you can use the app of your choice without losing out on becoming both the mayor and the kaiser of your favorite spots!

How to enable this new feature our own Sebastian ‘hacked up’? Go to our external services tab in settings and connect with Foursquare. And while you’re at it: you can connect with Facebook and Twitter too, to find friends and/or publish your best / funniest / most in depth reviews to the social network of your fancy.

Be aware that this feature is still in Beta. Please let us know if something doesn’t work for you. Ideas and feedback are always welcome!