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google plus one
Announcements, SEO

Tupalo +1

google plus one

yesterday Google introduced a new feature

Google +1

it’s basically a Facebook like button – just from Google, and no, we don’t know yet why you should use it (or why we should promote it), but we want to find out.

so either do it for us or do it for science on


Announcements, Tupalo

Wir sind Nummer 1 (ÖWA, Unique Clients)

That was easy!

Wir sind Nr. 1 bei den Einzelangeboten. Bei ÖWA getrackten Websites. Im Februar. Sortiert nach Unique Clients.

Danke an all die User die uns auf diesen Weg begleitet haben.
Google Trends for Websites_

Und an all die User, welche uns jeden Tag neu entdecken.

Den geübten Zahlen-Checkern unter euch wird beim Betrachten der ÖWA-Liste natürlich auffallen, dass hier
apple kiwi
Äpfel mit Birnen (bzw. Kiwis, siehe Bild oben) verglichen werden (z.B. dass wir “Anteil PI aus AT in %” nicht berücksichtig haben). ÖWA Zahlen sind ein wichtiges Marketinginstrument in Österreich und bei Marketingzahlen sucht man sich natürlich aus, welche man wie kommuniziert. :)

Wir finden das toll. Wir finden euch toll. Danke. Zeit den Sekt aufzumachen.


Verified Link FAQ

What is a verified link?

A verified link is a spot link that has been editorially classified as being ‘awesome’ (or at least ‘useful’) and therefore has a lovely green check mark (or tick, if you prefer) next to it.

Mon Ami

Who can mark a link as verified?

Tupaleros (Tupalo community members) with the special “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge can do this – but only if the link fulfills certain pre-defined criteria.

What criteria must a verified link fulfill?

1) It must be the one and only official website of that business.
This means: no links to Facebook fan pages, no links to directories, and no links to anywhere but the official business site.
2) The site must fulfill basic accessibility standards.
This basically means: “NO FLASH ONLY SITES” (basically just because we don’t like Flash.)
3) The site must offer some information that is currently not displayed on
E.g. an up-to-date menu, honest product information, or anything else that makes it worth a visit.
4) There must be no affiliation between the reviewer and the business (website) reviewed.

In general, if you think, “Hey, that website is cool – and I want to tell other people,”, go ahead and verify the link.

There must not be any (under any circumstances) monetary (or other material i.e. gifts, “free” stuff) incentives for a reviewer to verify a link.

How do I get the “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge?

That’s a secret. But once every full moon (or so), in a secret meeting, we choose some “Power Users” – Tupaleros who have written a lot of high quality reviews – to join.

I own business X with website XY. Can you mark my link as verified?

No. Contacting the team will also not help. It’s a community member decision, but if you tell some of your customers to give you a **honest** review on, there is a chance that some of our old school Tupaleros will see the review. Then, if your website is awesome (and if the Tupalero has the “Secret order of Tupalo” badge), there is nobody stopping him or her verifying the link.

That said, any confirmed report of a business owner spamming or bribing a Tupalero to verify a link will result in the blacklisting of that specific link.

What if there are verified spam links?

If we find verified links that can clearly be identified as spam, we’ll kick the user out of the “Secret Order” and revert all his or her verified links back to unverified.

Why such a fuss about that small green check mark?

Well, the small green check mark is one thing, but there’s something else going on in the background. All our spot links are “nofollow”, which is a technology to discourage spam. As anybody can add a spot to, we want to make sure that spammers don’t try to … well … spam us. But… this “nofollow” is a little bit unfair, because a lot of websites are actually pretty cool. So a verified link is set to “dofollow”, which is just a plain old direct link. So even though this is a small feature, it makes us potential vulnerable to spam – which is not something we want. That’s why we make such a fuss (and such long FAQ) about it.

Anything else?

Remember: life is beautiful. Have fun and, now and then, take some time to look up to the sky.


Verified Link FAQ

What is a verified link?

A verified link is a spot link that has been editorially classified as being ‘awesome’ (or at least ‘useful’) and therefore has a lovely green check mark (or tick, if you prefer) next to it.

Mon Ami

Who can mark a link as verified?

Tupaleros (Tupalo community members) with the special “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge can do this – but only if the link fulfills certain pre-defined criteria.

What criteria must a verified link fulfill?

1) It must be the one and only official website of that business.
This means: no links to Facebook fan pages, no links to directories, and no links to anywhere but the official business site.
2) The site must fulfill basic accessibility standards.
This basically means: “NO FLASH ONLY SITES” (basically just because we don’t like Flash.)
3) The site must offer some information that is currently not displayed on
E.g. an up-to-date menu, honest product information, or anything else that makes it worth a visit.
4) There must be no affiliation between the reviewer and the business (website) reviewed.

In general, if you think, “Hey, that website is cool – and I want to tell other people,”, go ahead and verify the link.

There must not be any (under any circumstances) monetary (or other material i.e. gifts, “free” stuff) incentives for a reviewer to verify a link.

How do I get the “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge?

That’s a secret. But once every full moon (or so), in a secret meeting, we choose some “Power Users” – Tupaleros who have written a lot of high quality reviews – to join.

I own business X with website XY. Can you mark my link as verified?

No. Contacting the team will also not help. It’s a community member decision, but if you tell some of your customers to give you a **honest** review on, there is a chance that some of our old school Tupaleros will see the review. Then, if your website is awesome (and if the Tupalero has the “Secret order of Tupalo” badge), there is nobody stopping him or her verifying the link.

That said, any confirmed report of a business owner spamming or bribing a Tupalero to verify a link will result in the blacklisting of that specific link.

What if there are verified spam links?

If we find verified links that can clearly be identified as spam, we’ll kick the user out of the “Secret Order” and revert all his or her verified links back to unverified.

Why such a fuss about that small green check mark?

Well, the small green check mark is one thing, but there’s something else going on in the background. All our spot links are “nofollow”, which is a technology to discourage spam. As anybody can add a spot to, we want to make sure that spammers don’t try to … well … spam us. But… this “nofollow” is a little bit unfair, because a lot of websites are actually pretty cool. So a verified link is set to “dofollow”, which is just a plain old direct link. So even though this is a small feature, it makes us potential vulnerable to spam – which is not something we want. That’s why we make such a fuss (and such long FAQ) about it.

Anything else?

Remember: life is beautiful. Have fun and, now and then, take some time to look up to the sky.


Verified Link FAQ

What is a verified link?

A verified link is a spot link that has been editorially classified as being ‘awesome’ (or at least ‘useful’) and therefore has a lovely green check mark (or tick, if you prefer) next to it.

Mon Ami

Who can mark a link as verified?

Tupaleros (Tupalo community members) with the special “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge can do this – but only if the link fulfills certain pre-defined criteria.

What criteria must a verified link fulfill?

1) It must be the one and only official website of that business.
This means: no links to Facebook fan pages, no links to directories, and no links to anywhere but the official business site.
2) The site must fulfill basic accessibility standards.
This basically means: “NO FLASH ONLY SITES” (basically just because we don’t like Flash.)
3) The site must offer some information that is currently not displayed on
E.g. an up-to-date menu, honest product information, or anything else that makes it worth a visit.
4) There must be no affiliation between the reviewer and the business (website) reviewed.

In general, if you think, “Hey, that website is cool – and I want to tell other people,”, go ahead and verify the link.

There must not be any (under any circumstances) monetary (or other material i.e. gifts, “free” stuff) incentives for a reviewer to verify a link.

How do I get the “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge?

That’s a secret. But once every full moon (or so), in a secret meeting, we choose some “Power Users” – Tupaleros who have written a lot of high quality reviews – to join.

I own business X with website XY. Can you mark my link as verified?

No. Contacting the team will also not help. It’s a community member decision, but if you tell some of your customers to give you a **honest** review on, there is a chance that some of our old school Tupaleros will see the review. Then, if your website is awesome (and if the Tupalero has the “Secret order of Tupalo” badge), there is nobody stopping him or her verifying the link.

That said, any confirmed report of a business owner spamming or bribing a Tupalero to verify a link will result in the blacklisting of that specific link.

What if there are verified spam links?

If we find verified links that can clearly be identified as spam, we’ll kick the user out of the “Secret Order” and revert all his or her verified links back to unverified.

Why such a fuss about that small green check mark?

Well, the small green check mark is one thing, but there’s something else going on in the background. All our spot links are “nofollow”, which is a technology to discourage spam. As anybody can add a spot to, we want to make sure that spammers don’t try to … well … spam us. But… this “nofollow” is a little bit unfair, because a lot of websites are actually pretty cool. So a verified link is set to “dofollow”, which is just a plain old direct link. So even though this is a small feature, it makes us potential vulnerable to spam – which is not something we want. That’s why we make such a fuss (and such long FAQ) about it.

Anything else?

Remember: life is beautiful. Have fun and, now and then, take some time to look up to the sky.


Verified Link FAQ

What is a verified link?

A verified link is a spot link that has been editorially classified as being ‘awesome’ (or at least ‘useful’) and therefore has a lovely green check mark (or tick, if you prefer) next to it.

Mon Ami

Who can mark a link as verified?

Tupaleros (Tupalo community members) with the special “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge can do this – but only if the link fulfills certain pre-defined criteria.

What criteria must a verified link fulfill?

1) It must be the one and only official website of that business.
This means: no links to Facebook fan pages, no links to directories, and no links to anywhere but the official business site.
2) The site must fulfill basic accessibility standards.
This basically means: “NO FLASH ONLY SITES” (basically just because we don’t like Flash.)
3) The site must offer some information that is currently not displayed on
E.g. an up-to-date menu, honest product information, or anything else that makes it worth a visit.
4) There must be no affiliation between the reviewer and the business (website) reviewed.

In general, if you think, “Hey, that website is cool – and I want to tell other people,”, go ahead and verify the link.

There must not be any (under any circumstances) monetary (or other material i.e. gifts, “free” stuff) incentives for a reviewer to verify a link.

How do I get the “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge?

That’s a secret. But once every full moon (or so), in a secret meeting, we choose some “Power Users” – Tupaleros who have written a lot of high quality reviews – to join.

I own business X with website XY. Can you mark my link as verified?

No. Contacting the team will also not help. It’s a community member decision, but if you tell some of your customers to give you a **honest** review on, there is a chance that some of our old school Tupaleros will see the review. Then, if your website is awesome (and if the Tupalero has the “Secret order of Tupalo” badge), there is nobody stopping him or her verifying the link.

That said, any confirmed report of a business owner spamming or bribing a Tupalero to verify a link will result in the blacklisting of that specific link.

What if there are verified spam links?

If we find verified links that can clearly be identified as spam, we’ll kick the user out of the “Secret Order” and revert all his or her verified links back to unverified.

Why such a fuss about that small green check mark?

Well, the small green check mark is one thing, but there’s something else going on in the background. All our spot links are “nofollow”, which is a technology to discourage spam. As anybody can add a spot to, we want to make sure that spammers don’t try to … well … spam us. But… this “nofollow” is a little bit unfair, because a lot of websites are actually pretty cool. So a verified link is set to “dofollow”, which is just a plain old direct link. So even though this is a small feature, it makes us potential vulnerable to spam – which is not something we want. That’s why we make such a fuss (and such long FAQ) about it.

Anything else?

Remember: life is beautiful. Have fun and, now and then, take some time to look up to the sky.


Vertrauenswürdiger Link FAQ

Was ist ein Vertrauenswürdiger Link?

Ein “Vertrauenswürdiger Link” ist ein Spot Link, welcher von einem Editor als “super” (oder zumindest als “sinnvoll”) befunden wurde. Man erkennt einen “Vertrauenswürdigen Link” am grünen Hackal.


Mon Ami

Wer kann einen Link als vertrauenswürdig kennzeichnen?

Tupaleros (Tupalo Community Members), welche die “Secret Order of Tupalo” Badge ihr Eigen nennen, können Links kennzeichnen – wenn diese Links gewissen Kriterien entsprechen.

Welche Kriterien muss ein “Vertrauenswürdiger Link” erfüllen?

1) Es ist die einzige, alleinige und offizielle Website des Unternehmens.

Das heisst: Keine Links zu Facebook Fan pages, keine Links zu irgendwelchen Directories, einzig und allein der Link zur Unternehmenswebsite  kann verifiziert werden.

2) Die Seite muss gewissen Usabilty und Zugänglichkeitkriterien entsprechen.

Im Großen und Ganzen heisst das: KEINE FLASH ONLY SITES. Flash ist so Nuller-Jahre.

3) Die Seite muss einen Mehrwert bieten.

Also Infos haben, welche auf nicht zu finden sind z.B.: die aktuelle Speisekarte, brauchbare Produktbeschreibungen oder sonst etwas Sinnvolles.

4) Der Editor darf nicht mit der Website / Firma verbandelt sein.

Keine Freundalwirtschaft.

Einfach gesagt: Nur wenn die Website wirklich cool ist, vergib’ ein Hackal.

Auf gar keinen Fall (nie und nimmer) darf es einen entgeltlichen (oder sonstwie materiellen) Vorteil für den Editor geben, wenn er einen Link als “vertrauenswürdig” erklärt.

Wie bekommt man die “Secret Order of Tupalo” Badge?

Nun ja, das ist geheim. Jeden Vollmond treffen sie sich, und vergeben diese speziellen Badges in grausamen Ritualen an so genannte Power Tupaleros (Tupaleros, welche eine große Anzahl hochqualitativer Reviews schreiben).

Ich bin Unternehmen X und hätte gern ein grünes Hackal für meine Website XY, könnt ihr das schnell mal machen?

Nein, geht leider nicht. Selbst wenn ihr eine Email an schreibt, machen wir das nicht. Es ist eine reine Tupalo Community Entscheidung. Aber nun ja, wenn ihr euren Kunden erzählt, sie sollen euch eine ehrliche Bewertung auf schreiben, dann steigt natürlich die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein “Secret Order of Tupalo” Tupalero euren Spot entdeckt, eure Seite toll findet und das grüne Hackal vergibt. (Das sind ziemlich viele “wenn” und “vielleicht”, aber einen anderen Weg gibt es nicht).

Sollten uns Berichte zu Ohren kommen, dass Tupaleros zugespammt wurden – oder mittels materieller Vergünstigungen angeregt wurden einen Link zu verifizieren, werden wir den betroffenen Link auf eine un-verifizierbare Blacklist setzen.

Was passiert, wenn Spam Links verifiziert wurden?

Wenn wir “vertrauenswürdige” Spam Links finden, wird der entsprechende Tupalero aus dem “Secret Order of Tupalo” verbannt und alle von ihm / ihr verifizierten Links rückgängig gemacht.

Wieso soviel Aufwand für ein grünes Hackal?

Hmm, das grüne Hackal ist nur EINE Ausprägung des verifizierten Links – es passiert auch einiges im Hintergrund. Alle unsere Spot Links sind eigentlich “nofollow”. Nofollow ist eine Technologie um Spammer nicht zum spammen zu ermuntern. Da jeder User bei einen Spot eintragen kann, haben wir das als Sicherheitsmaßnahme eingeführt. “Nofollow” ist aber ein bisschen unfair, da es viele coole Webseiten gibt und die haben ein “nofollow” nicht verdient. Wird ein Link als vertrauenswürdig gekennzeichnet, verwandelt er sich in einen “dofollow” Link (einen guten alten “direkt Link”). Damit macht sich potentiell angreifbar für Spammer, deswegen der ganze Aufwand mit dieser ultralangen FAQ.

Sonst noch was?

Das Leben ist schön, geht manchmal raus und schaut in den Himmel, es zahlt sich meistens aus. Habt Spass.


Verified Link FAQ

What is a verified link?

A verified link is a spot link that has been editorially classified as being ‘awesome’ (or at least ‘useful’) and therefore has a lovely green check mark (or tick, if you prefer) next to it.

Mon Ami

Who can mark a link as verified?

Tupaleros (Tupalo community members) with the special “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge can do this – but only if the link fulfills certain pre-defined criteria.

What criteria must a verified link fulfill?

1) It must be the one and only official website of that business.
This means: no links to Facebook fan pages, no links to directories, and no links to anywhere but the official business site.
2) The site must fulfill basic accessibility standards.
This basically means: “NO FLASH ONLY SITES” (basically just because we don’t like Flash.)
3) The site must offer some information that is currently not displayed on
E.g. an up-to-date menu, honest product information, or anything else that makes it worth a visit.
4) There must be no affiliation between the reviewer and the business (website) reviewed.

In general, if you think, “Hey, that website is cool – and I want to tell other people,”, go ahead and verify the link.

There must not be any (under any circumstances) monetary (or other material i.e. gifts, “free” stuff) incentives for a reviewer to verify a link.

How do I get the “Secret Order of Tupalo” badge?

That’s a secret. But once every full moon (or so), in a secret meeting, we choose some “Power Users” – Tupaleros who have written a lot of high quality reviews – to join.

I own business X with website XY. Can you mark my link as verified?

No. Contacting the team will also not help. It’s a community member decision, but if you tell some of your customers to give you a **honest** review on, there is a chance that some of our old school Tupaleros will see the review. Then, if your website is awesome (and if the Tupalero has the “Secret order of Tupalo” badge), there is nobody stopping him or her verifying the link.

That said, any confirmed report of a business owner spamming or bribing a Tupalero to verify a link will result in the blacklisting of that specific link.

What if there are verified spam links?

If we find verified links that can clearly be identified as spam, we’ll kick the user out of the “Secret Order” and revert all his or her verified links back to unverified.

Why such a fuss about that small green check mark?

Well, the small green check mark is one thing, but there’s something else going on in the background. All our spot links are “nofollow”, which is a technology to discourage spam. As anybody can add a spot to, we want to make sure that spammers don’t try to … well … spam us. But… this “nofollow” is a little bit unfair, because a lot of websites are actually pretty cool. So a verified link is set to “dofollow”, which is just a plain old direct link. So even though this is a small feature, it makes us potential vulnerable to spam – which is not something we want. That’s why we make such a fuss (and such long FAQ) about it.

Anything else?

Remember: life is beautiful. Have fun and, now and then, take some time to look up to the sky.

Announcements, German

261 Billa

Die Überschrift ist die Antwort auf die Frage “Hey du, wieviele Billa gibt’s eigentlich in Wien?” “Das ist doch ganz einfach, basierend auf den Daten für Österreich gibt es in Wien 261 Billa.”.

Billa Wien

Oder eine andere Frage: “Hey Horstl, geh’ma zur Aida?” “Sicherlich, zu welcher der 27?”

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