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Community, German, Industry, Local Businesses, Tupalo

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…dass wir bei einige Produkte anbieten, die Ihnen helfen mit unserer Community in Kontakt zu treten? Falls Sie uns noch nicht kennen – ist eine Seite auf der sich UserInnen über lokale Unternehmen informieren und ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen BesucherInnen teilen können.

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Development, Industry, Kanban, Tupalo

The Tupalo Kanban Story – Prioritization and Ticket Design

If you hear the words “prioritization” and “ticket design” in a common context, you usually do not see a connection. But, when it comes to the visualization on a Kanban board, things are different. Therefore, let’s start from a different angle to make this a little bit more tangible…

When people are in the process of implementing a Kanban system, they often look for answers to the following questions: How are we going to prioritize the tasks and projects coming in? How do we know which tasks to start first and how do we know when to do so?
The solution we found for our implementation is that we agreed on a specific order and allocation of the tickets (= tasks) in the input queue to indicate their priority (most important/urgent ones go first).
Additionally, we decided to visualize the classes of service by using different colors and adding specific details on the individual tickets.

Since the very beginning (see first blog post), we have been using the following Classes of Service:

– Standard (yellow index card)
– Priority (red index card; higher priority than standard class; can have a due date; high cost of delay)
– Expedite (critical; highest priority; other tasks can be put on hold to process it; can exceed WIP limits)
– Intangible (important but not urgent; needs to be done at some point; cost of delay might increase over time)

On the ticket itself you will find information like title (short description), tracking number (serial number) in the upper left corner, date of entry (date when the ticket was put on the board) in the lower left corner, and, in case of a priority ticket, a due date (if applicable).

Once a task is finalized, a done date is added in the right hand corner of the ticket for tracking reasons (due dates are updated, if not concurrent).

The colors and respective descriptions on the tickets also help to bring them in order during our Replenishment Talks. I specifically say “talks” since we do not hold “real” Replenishment Meetings (anymore).

We replenish when there is need for it. That means that we got rid of the often very time-consuming Prioritization and Replenishment Meetings and perform them on-the-go.


Coming up next: Kanban Board Design (Part II)

Industry, Startups

I’m going to the Pioneers Festival!

2500 start-ups and topic interested people will gather at the Hofburg Imperial Palace from the 29th to the 31st of October for the Pioneers Festival, ‘an unforgettable accelerator event which will boost every single start-up to the next level – in just three days‘. 60 international speakers will split up on two tracks and Europe’s top 50 start-ups will battle in the Startup Challenge. With this conference STARTeurope celebrates entrepreneurship and innovative technology with us, the common people ;)

Continue Reading

Community, Industry, Tupalo

Blogging ‘Blogging the City’

The Dutch delegation of the Tupalo team will attend Pop-Up City’s Blogging the City, a one-day festival in Amsterdam on 4 October, 2012, where a selection of ‘Europe’s finest city bloggers share their ideas and inspiration live on stage’.
The afternoon program of Blogging the City will take place at Pakhuis de Zwijger’s Studio. The night program, that starts at 20:00 h., is being held in the Grote Zaal.

Blogging The City is a traveling event. The first Blogging the City festival took place in Berlin in 2011, and brought together a selection of European bloggers to discuss urbanism in the online world to a real-life audience. Now it’s Amsterdam’s turn. Blogging the City is curated and organized by The Pop-Up City, an online magazine by Amsterdam-based urban design agency Golfstromen which showcases new ideas, trends and strategies for contemporary world cities.

The afternoon program features talks from:
Régine Debatty (we-make-money-not-art), Zef Hemel (Vrijstaat Amsterdam), Luc Harings (ilovenoord), Ernst-Jan Pfauth (, Stefan Höffken (Urbanophil), Wouter Boon (Amsterdam Ad Blog) and Martijn de Waal (The Mobile City)

… and in the evening, these people will take the stage:
Mikael Colville-Andersen (Copenhagenize), Antonia Märzhäuser (Freunde von Freunden), Filip Visnjic (CreativeApplications), Stefan Höffken (Urbanophil), Rudolf Klöckner (Urban Shit) and Charlie Hilton (Urban Times)

We are ‘dabei‘ and will try and cover the event using our personal twitter accounts (Floor; Moniek; Paul). Wouldn’t be surprised if a summary would appear on this blog in the next days either. ;)

Development, Industry, Kanban, Tupalo

The Tupalo Kanban Story – How to get started?

After having presented the Kanban Story at a couple of events and conferences, I would like to share some of our findings and experiences in a few blog posts. Each post will cover a different Kanban topic that has been of interest in discussions after the talks I have held on our Kanban implementation.

There are already a lot of blog posts on the web giving useful tips on how to start with Kanban. Like others, we choose a very simple approach. We took the time to do some in-depth research on the topic and then we gave it a try. As a starting point and summary, have a look at the Kanban principles and practices that David J. Anderson put together in his book Kanban, Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Business.

The three core principles are:
1. Start with what you do now
2. Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change
3. Respect the current process, roles, responsibilities & titles

The five practices are:
1. Visualize the workflow
2. Limit WIP
3. Manage Flow
4. Make Process Policies Explicit
5. Improve Collaboratively (using models & the scientific method)

So what did we do? Well, we…
– started with what we had in place and kept all the roles and responsibilities
– created a physical Kanban board and visualized our process
– added WIP limits for each workflow step
– defined policies for our Kanban system
– introduced daily stand-up meetings to keep the whole team updated on our progress and issues
And then – we let it evolve from there

But wait a minute – why did we start in the first place? Well, that is also quite an easy question to answer. At the time we had the feeling that we were working on too many projects at the same time; needless to say that this resulted in a low throughput. Also, priorities were not always clear to us, and when the respective stakeholder was not at the office, the team sometimes did not know which task to start next.

With our Kanban system we were able to pretty much overcome those as well as other issues, leading to improvements and a smooth flow.

Coming up next: Visualization and Kanban Board Design

Development, Events, Industry, Kanban, Tupalo

The Kanban Story – ON TOUR (3)…LKSE 2012 – Buenas días Madrid!

I guess it’s time again for a new update on our journey through Kanbanland. Last week I had the honor to present “The Kanban Story” at the Lean Kanban Southern Europe 2012 conference in Madrid.

The LKSE12 conference was held for the first time and was packed with interesting talks around Kanban, Lean, Product Development and Risk Management. Since the emphasis of the conference was laid on experience reports I decided to sum up our challenges and discoveries in a little case study. During my talk I gave an insight into the implementation and evolution of our Kanban system over the last 1 ½ years.

 Excerpt of the feedback/comments via Twitter…

@agilemanager: And now @shuabee telling the wonderful @tupalo #kanban story :-) #lkse12
@pawelbrodzinski: Introduction of kanban helped to realize that the process in fact is different than the team thought. @shuabee #lkse12 Same experience here.
@pawelbrodzinski: And over time the kanban board became way more complex. @shuabee #lkse12 Again, I share that experience.
@agilemanager: .@tupalo story now showing how #LeanStartup validation ideas are now being incorporated w/ #kanban@shuabee #lkse12
@asplake: Great example from @shuabee of visualising feedback loops that involve external parties #lkse12
@JasperSonnevelt: And they have bug-fixing-fridays! RT @pawelbrodzinski @shuabee is putting bugs on the board. This way you show how doomed you are ;) #lkse12
@JasperSonnevelt: Wip limits are encouraging pair programming at tupalo #lkse12 #kanban @shuabee
@arneroock: Very interesting #kanban case study from Tupalo by @shuabee #lkse12


All in all I can say – I heard some great talks, met with great people and had a great time!

For those of you who want to hear more about “The Kanban Story” I will mention some of our findings and experiences in more detail in the next blog posts.

Development, Industry, Team, Tupalo

You can make IT!

Vor einiger Zeit war ein Kamerateam bei uns zu Besuch, um unseren Clemens (und ein bisschen vom Büro- und Developmentalltag – inklusive Laika!) für eine ganz spezielle IT-Kampagne bildlich einzufangen:

Bei der Initiative You can make IT! geht es darum, junge Menschen, die vor der Wahl des passenden Studiums stehen, auf das Fach der Informatik aufmerksam zu machen und gleichzeitig auch das Image des Studiums zu verbessern.

An dem Projekt beteiligt sind alle österreichischen Universitäten, die Informatik anbieten, und neben Infos zum Studium stellen sich auf der Webseite der You can make IT!-Kampagne eben auch Studierende oder in der IT Arbeitende vor – wie eben Clemens, die “technische Hälfte” des Tupalo-Gründerduos. :)

Weitere Interviews gibt’s da zu finden, das Video featuring Clemens könnt Ihr gleich hier ansehen:

Startups, Team, Tupalo, Vienna goes E&I People

Im Rahmen von E&I People, einer Vortragsreihe am Institut für Entrepreneurship und Innovation der WU Wien hat einer unserer Gründer Clemens gestern vom “Sein und Werden” von erzählt und sich den herausfordernden Fragen der Studierenden gestellt. Alle Infos zur Veranstaltung gibt’s hier  zum Nachlesen.

E&I People folgt dem Beispiel der Stanford Entrepreneurship Corner Talks, die ziemlich bekannt und auch als Podcast erhältlich sind. Allen die sich für Startups und Unternehmertum an sich interessieren können wir nur empfehlen auch mal reinzuhören. Es lohnt sich!

Helsinki, Local Businesses, Social Media

Herkuttele Helsingissä!

Etsitkö Helsingistä uusia makuelämyksiä, mutta et tiedä mistä aloittaa?

Kehottaisin tutustumaan blogiin nimeltä Dinner 4U2. Kyseessä on kahden kolmekymppisen naisen, Pauliinan ja Mirkan, kirjoittama blogi, mikä sai alkunsa Eat Helsinki-kirjan inspiroimana. Kirjassa esitellään 12 Helsingin huippuravintolaa vuodessa ja kirjaa näyttämällä saa kyseisistä paikoista myös reilun alennuksen. Eat Europe-kirjoja on kirjoitettu myös muutamista Ruotsin ja Saksan kaupungeista.


Eat Helsinki 2011


Dinner 4U2:sta arvosteluja löytyy niin fiinimmistä paikoista, kuin myös edullisemmista vaihtoehdoista. Mikä parasta (tai ehkä pahinta jos on kova nälkä), jokaisessa jutussa on herkulliset kuvat, jotka tuovat veden kielelle!

Ravintola Gaijin, Mussel by Dinner 4U2

Restaurant Waterway, London by Dinner 4U2











Pauliinan ja Mirkan toisena intohimona (tietenkin ruuan jälkeen) on matkustelu. Kannattaa siis vilkaista muutama vinkki matkaan, jos kohteena on esim Dublin, Lontoo tai New York.


Community, Events, Industry, Local Search, Vienna

State Of The Map hits Vienna!

Seit 2007 wird für alle OpenStreetMap-Interessierten jährlich eine Konferenz abgehalten, auf der sich alles um das OpenStreetMap-Projekt (OSM) dreht.

SotM-EU Logo

Heuer findet die “State Of The Map” lautende Veranstaltung im September in Denver, Colorado, statt. Wem das zu weit ist, hat ab übermorgen Gelegenheit, an der ersten European State of the Map Conference teilzunehmen.

Die europäische Version wird von Freitag, 15. Juli bis Sonntag, 17. Juli abgehalten, Veranstaltungsort ist (passenderweise) die TU Wien, an der auch die Forschungsgruppe Karthographie beheimatet ist.

Thematisch wird es natürlich nicht nur um das OSM-Kartenmaterial an sich gehen. Auf dem Programm der Konferenz stehen auch eine ganze Menge technischer Talks (unter anderem zu Mapmaking-Software, Map-Stylesheets oder zu Routing) und die Vorstellung von Forschungsfragen bzw. -themen (z.B. zur Qualität der Open Street Map-Daten im Vergleich zu Navteq oder die Evaluierung von Straßenverkehr mithilfe von OSM).

Beispiel für das OpenStreetMap-Material anhand des Veranstaltungsorts TU Wien

Da wir von Tupalo das OpenStreetMap-Projekt für gut und wichtig befinden, selbst OSM-Daten nutzen und unsere eigenen mobilen Apps auch Location-based Services sind, war es für uns nur zu naheliegend, uns an der ersten europäischen SotM-Konferenz als Sponsor zu beteiligen.

OSM Logo

Morgen, Donnerstag, gibt es ab 17:30 übrigens ein von q/uintessenz organisiertes Pre-Conference Panel im MuseumsQuartier zum Thema bits4free: How OpenStreetMap represents the World. What makes a crowdsourcing project successful?

Im Anschluss, ab 19 Uhr, findet ein Pre-Conference Meetup im Universitätsbräuhaus am Campus des Alten AKH statt. (Nähere Informationen zu den beiden Vorveranstaltungen sind hier und hier zu finden.)